Promotional products and services from Oaklea Promotions

Here’s what we will need from you. After you place your order, please e-mail this to (WE SUGGEST YOU PRINT THIS PAGE FOR EASY REFERENCE):

 1. A TIFF or JPEG  file (300 dpi) of your book cover. (Plus 35 words of copy for business cards along with your contact information, i.e. daytime phone and e-mail address.) 

2. For the news release only, a TIFF or JPEG file (300 dpi) of a publicity photo of you.

 3. For all of the promotional items (except postcards), a biography of  yourself to include your name, contact information (daytime phone, e-mail address), your age, place of birth, hometown, schools attended, degrees earned, special interests, hobbies, general awards/honors won, current job, career history, married or single, spouse's name, pets, children and ages, writing history, other published works & when written, writing awards/honors, what prompted you to write this book, what special qualifications you have to write it. If possible, an angle that makes your book particularly newsworthy. If possible, a tie-in to current events or issues. Remember, you’re a writer. Be creative!

 4. For all of the items (except postcards), a background paper on you book of about 500 words that tells us what kind of book is it, i.e. biography, “how to,” history, fiction genre, etc. About how many words it is. What sets the book apart from others of its genre. What readers will find of particular interest. How they will feel after reading it.

 (If fiction) who are the main characters and what makes them special? What is the main problem running through the book that must be resolved? Any significant sub plots? What is the mood/pace of story, i.e. fast-paced, cliff-hanger, brooding, psychological drama, action-adventure, etc.? Are there any surprises? Twists? Unusual/unexpected ending? How will the reader feel after reading your book?

 (If non fiction) why should the reader read the book? What will they learn?

What genre is it? (Biography, self help, history, spiritual journey, etc.)

What is the key point made? How would you sum up what the reader will experience, i.e. is the book uplifting, informative, humorous?

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(804) 673-6111