eNovel Fee For Service Page

Author Registration / Setup Fee  $50 

This one-time fee has been instituted to set you up in the eNovel System.  The Setup fee sets up your personal data, personal account, user names and passwords, IRS information and more.  It is not related to the publication of your book or the format in which you desire to get published.  Once the set-up fee is paid, you are eligible to publish as many books as you like, whether it’s a fee-based publishing service or our free electronic submissions process for ebooks.

Author Jump Start Program  $100 

Jump start your book in the eNovel system by having an eNovel staff member read and rate your book. As you probably know, there are so many books in our system that some tend to get lost. If you don't get someone to read and rate your book, it may languish unrecognized forever. For a fee, an eNovel staff person will read your work, rate it and, if it gets a good rating, post it, enabling the author to quickly break out of the pack with an endorsement from eNovel.  If your book receives a low rating, we’ll contact you and you will have the choice not to have it posted. A low rating will give you impetus to evaluate your book and decide if it needs additional work. The eNovel rating will be highlighted and people will know that it will be an impartial rating that they can count on.


Professional Critique  $350  

The eNovel critique service will be offered to those authors who want a full-fledged reading, analysis and critique of their book.  The author will receive a professional report on their book that is detailed, candid and thorough, outlining its strengths and weaknesses, and offering suggested improvements.  The critique may provide you with insight and analysis of your book’s plot, characters, pace, writing style, language, originality, balance and intensity depending on the genre. While this is not a line by line edit, it will enable you to get an objective, unbiased view of your book.  The bottom line is that you will know from a professional in the industry whether your book is ready for publication or needs more work.

Line by Line Editing  $995  

Let eNovel review your manuscript line by line for spelling and grammar. Don't let the little mistakes ruin an otherwise great book. We have seen it happen so many times that we decided to offer this service to authors who have written good stories, but have trouble editing.  This service can put the polish on your book it needs to rise above the competition. 






(c) 2002 The Book Show
(804) 673-6111  info@thebookshow.com